Saturday, July 11, 2015

Cross Realms | UPDATE!

Hello one and all, today we are glad to put up an update at long last. Development so far has been going smoothly so far for Cross Realms. Our kickstarter has been fully funded, and open Alpha is almost ready. We have been holding out on releasing new versions of Cross Realms so that the release of AlphaV1.0 can have a huge update and expansion in the gameplay. All of the versions in between the previous release and AlphaV1.0 are kept on a hard drive and will not be released into the public. The new version should be released around 7-13-15 (Two more days!) The new version includes but is not limited to the following:

  • New Soundtrack
  • New Characters 
  • Story Expansion 
  • Character Names Above Text Box
  • More Choices To Make
  • New Area To Explore 

Have a wonderful day!

    -Morida Games 

Sunday, June 21, 2015

Cross Realms Pre-Alpha 0.1.0

Hello one and all!

Today we are proud to announce the first Pre-Alpha version of Cross Realms. While this barley tested game is still short, we are proud to give everyone a slim taste of what our upcoming game is going to be like. Please keep in mind this version is being released so people will have more than screenshots/GIF's to go off of. As we complete more of the game, fix more bugs (if you find any make sure to let us know), and just improve the game overall. The current version includes:

  • Complete/Nearly Complete character sprites
  • Two custom sound tracks
  • Un-Finished/Un-Edited text. 
  • Custom title screen
  • Choices that change outcome of the game
  • Tons more! 

But we're glad to present to you: "Cross Realms"! 


Tuesday, June 16, 2015

"Dark Orders - Chapter | When Hope Is Lost" Is Completed At Last!

At long await, the pilot/first chapter in the Dark Orders series has been completed. While the game is short, it still contains it's promised evil tone.